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Cristopher Sánchez

Nastiest K's of 2024

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Cristopher SánchezCristopher Sánchez
Pitch Type:Slider
Pitch Speed:84.9 mph
Spin Rate:2122 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez retires Elehuris Montero with a slider

AB: Elehuris MonteroP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Cristopher SánchezCristopher Sánchez
Pitch Type:Sinker
Pitch Speed:95.6 mph
Spin Rate:2215 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez gets Michael Toglia looking on a sinker for strike three

AB: Michael TogliaP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Slider
Pitch Speed:85.7 mph
Spin Rate:2097 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez's 2-out punchout

AB: Sean BouchardP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Changeup
Pitch Speed:86.9 mph
Spin Rate:2051 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez strands a runner on 3rd, striking out Riley Adams

AB: Riley AdamsP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Changeup
Pitch Speed:86.7 mph
Spin Rate:2236 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez fools Joey Meneses with a changeup

AB: Joey MenesesP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Changeup
Pitch Speed:87.4 mph
Spin Rate:2203 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez gets Victor Robles swinging on a changeup for strike three

AB: Victor RoblesP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Slider
Pitch Speed:87.1 mph
Spin Rate:2065 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez strands a runner on 1st, striking out Tyler Fitzgerald

AB: Tyler FitzgeraldP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Slider
Pitch Speed:83.9 mph
Spin Rate:1930 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez retires Blaze Alexander with a slider

AB: Blaze AlexanderP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Cutter
Pitch Speed:86.7 mph
Spin Rate:1983 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez punches out Otto Lopez with a slider

AB: Otto LopezP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Slider
Pitch Speed:85.0 mph
Spin Rate:1999 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez gets Vidal Bruján swinging on a slider for strike three

AB: Vidal BrujánP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Changeup
Pitch Speed:86.8 mph
Spin Rate:1924 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez strands 2, striking out David Bote

AB: David BoteP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Changeup
Pitch Speed:84.6 mph
Spin Rate:1970 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez's changeup punches out Anthony Volpe

AB: Anthony VolpeP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Changeup
Pitch Speed:83.9 mph
Spin Rate:2089 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez fools Will Smith with a changeup

AB: Will SmithP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Changeup
Pitch Speed:85.8 mph
Spin Rate:2079 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez retires Sean Murphy with a changeup

AB: Sean MurphyP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Sinker
Pitch Speed:96.2 mph
Spin Rate:2054 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez sneaks a sinker past Davis Schneider for strike three

AB: Davis SchneiderP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Slider
Pitch Speed:85.1 mph
Spin Rate:1906 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez's slider fools Pete Alonso

AB: Pete AlonsoP: Cristopher Sánchez

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Pitch Type:Slider
Pitch Speed:85.2 mph
Spin Rate:2123 rpm
Nasty Pitch

Cristopher Sánchez gets Mark Vientos swinging on a slider for strike three

AB: Mark VientosP: Cristopher Sánchez